Radio Control Car Club of Kuwait
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The Track

The Outdoor track in Kuwait. Real US Style!!
RCCCK has most possibly the 2nd or 3rd largest permanent off-road track in the world. We have spent years perfecting the track surface to provide you with the best racing surface and minimal surface deterioration while minimizing tire wear down to an acceptable level.
Our track soil is a special natural soil mixture with a bonding agent that hardens the surface while maintaining a very good grip level and dust free environment. Minimal maintenance is required for round the clock racing. In the event of track damage, our specialized track crew can maintain the track in minimal time to keep conditions stable throughout the events and races.
Trackside facilities include air compressors, power outlets all running on UK std plugs 3 pin and or Euro 2 pin. Wash basins in the event you need it, very doubtful. Male / Female Toilets. Storage area to keep your RC gear track side and do away with the hassle of hauling your gear back to your hotel, free of charge during international events only.
Pit area, pit area race screen, control room, meeting room, work stations, work tables and rentable containers are all standard at RCCCK.
10 Marshalls are provided free of charge during official races, for international race events, 5 marshals are provided at a nominal fee.
During international events, RCCCK will be in contact with all the local hobby store to provide our racers with all the necessary spare parts and a list of the brands that are supported locally.
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